Gabriel's Turd

Multivariate Calculus 18.022, Fall 2014, MIT

See also the course Stellar page, the Piazza page, and Sam Watson's recitation page.

Instructor. Omer Tamuz, room E18-478. Office hours are Tuesdays 3 to 5 and Fridays 1 to 2. More time available by appointment if necessary. Students are encouraged to meet the instructor during office hours, rather than communicate by email. The Piazza page is a good place to post questions that may interest others.

Lectures. Room E25-111, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1, Fridays at 2.

Recitations. Mondays and Wednesdays:

Lecture notes. Based on lecture notes by James McKernan and on lectures by Pavel Etingof.

Textbook. Colley's Vector Calculus, third edition.

Grading. The final grade will consist of 25% homework, 45% midterms, and 30% final exam.

Homework. Homework is submitted in E17-131, and is due every Thursday by 1. Late homework will not be accepted, but the lowest score will be dropped. Problem sets will be posted on Stellar. Collaboration on homework is encouraged, but individually written solutions are required. Also, it is mandatory to name all collaborators and sources of information on each assignment. Any such named source may be used.

Midterms. Three 50 minute midterm exams will take place on Tuesday, September 30rd, Tuesday, October 21st, and Thursday, November 13th, during class hours, in Walker, room 50-340. There will be no make-up exams, but the grade of the lowest midterm exam will be disregarded, if lower than the grade of the final exam.

Final. The 3 hour long final exam will take place on Wednesday, December 17th, from 9am to noon, at the Johnson track.

Syllabus. The topics are similar to 18.02, but with more focus on mathematical concepts and proofs.

Students in need of assistance or in distress. If you are dealing with a personal or medical issue that is impacting your ability to attend class, complete work, or take an exam, you have the possibility of discussing this with Student Support Services (S3). The deans in S3 will verify your situation, and then discuss with you how to address the missed work. You may consult with S3 in 5-104 or at 617-253-4861. Also, S3 has walk-in hours: Monday through Friday, 9-10am.

MIT is committed to the principle of equal access. Students who need disability accommodations are encouraged to speak with Kathleen Monagle, Associate Dean, prior to or early in the semester so that accommodation requests can be evaluated and addressed in a timely fashion. Even if you are not planning to use accommodations, it is recommended that you meet with Student Disability Services staff to familiarize yourself with the services and resources of the office. You may also consult with Student Disability Services in 5-104 or at 617-253-1674.

Math learning center. Graduate and undergraduate tutors are available in room 4-159, Mondays through Thursdays from 3 to 5 and from 7:30 to 9:30 (pm), to help with problem sets or answer general questions. The center is also a good place to find a study group. See for more details.